The scourge of ocean microplastics

Tiny particles of plastic (less than 1 mm diameter) are now entering the human food-chain through our consumption of seafood. The issue of plastics reaching the ocean is not new, but over the past few years our understanding of the impacts has increased dramatically. A 2014 study showed that Europeans consume approximately 11,000 microplastic particles

Climate change and coastal flooding: the current state of the art

There are many hundreds of publications in the scientific literature each year detailing the proposed impacts of climate change on the coastal zone, however, last week, the Marine Climate Change Impacts Partnership (MCCIP) published a new synopsis on UK coastal flooding impacts. The coastal flooding report, authored by SurgeWatch founders Ivan Haigh and Robert Nicholls is available here. Concern about

New paper: New understanding of rip currents that could save lives

Here follows a press release for our recent paper on wave breaking patterns and the link to rip current risk.   Research by the Universities of Southampton and Plymouth has found a new link between breaking waves and the hazard posed by rip currents. The research provides a better understanding why some surf zone conditions

The currents that will ‘rip’ your trunks off: why don’t people see the risk?

Rip currents are a dangerous coastal hazard. A simple statement that most casual beach users would tend to agree with. Why, then, are so many of those same people ignorant of the risks posed by rip current currents? Why do many beach users, excepting perhaps experienced surfers, fail to spot the dangers and still end