Welcome to my personal website and blog, commenting on all things coastal, whether it be the scientific or the not so scientific happenings that I stumble upon.

I am a Lecturer in Physical Geography at Newcastle University, UK. My research focuses primarily on coastal processes, hazards, risk, and community resilience. My research makes use of coastal imaging systems as a means of remote sensing, ground penetrating radar, and a variety of in situ instrumentation to better understand how the coast changes, when it is most dangerous, and why. You can see more of my work on ResearchGate or follow me on Twitter.

I use this website to disseminate research and for occasional blog posts on interesting pieces of research or policy. 

I’m particularly keen to hear from potential students – If you’d like to inquire about opportunities and supervision for postgraduate study, get in contact with me. 

Seb Pitman

coastal scientist

Storms & sea level: What’s the future for mixed sediment beaches?

I currently have a fully funded PhD Project available looking at how storms impact mixed sediment beaches – take a look here


We are tied to the ocean. And when we go back to the sea, whether it is to sail or to watch – we are going back from whence we came.

John F. Kennedy